I graduated with a BA(Hons) in Drama and European Cultures from La Trobe University in 2002. This helped me bring together my divergent artistic styles that I had been developing since my youth.
I have been writing poetry, making music and taking photos from my adolescence. I have been published, have performed live as well as worked in the film and TV industry where I honed my photographic and editing skills.
Post studying I worked in the theatre in Basel, Switzerland as well as doing an internship as a set dresser with the Vorstadt Theatre Company. On returning to Australia I returned to post graduate study before a short stint teaching Drama in the Western district of Victoria.
Originally from Preston, Melbourne, I have lived and travelled extensively up and down the east coast of Australia including twelve months in Mallacoota where I worked on the Arts Festival there in 1998.
Now I am focussing on building soundscapes as part of a planned installation. This is a long term project and the reason that I have moved to Ensay in the Omeo region of Victoria. My work is informed by the environment which speaks to us if we are prepared to listen. I am seeking to record and document the natural and man made features of the environment that scatter the countryside.
I am neurodivergent and work in a bricolage style taking bits and pieces from here and there to construct my pieces. I am interested in working with the community to create visual and aural artefacts that express the nature of the beautiful environment that we inhabit together.